June 19th marks a very important holiday in our nation, Juneteenth. Officially becoming a Federal holiday in June 2021, it is an important part of our history. As a church, Life Center observes this holiday to reflect, remember, and celebrate.

Juneteenth commemorates the ending of slavery in the United States of America. On June 19, 1865, Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas, with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. It is important to note that this was 2.5 years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation - which had become official on January 1, 1863. This date has incredible significance for our nation’s history and for our black brothers and sisters within our staff, our church, and the broader community. 

This year Juneteenth will be observed on Wednesday, June 19, as a Federal Holiday. Life Center and Life Christian Academy will be closed on this day, and we encourage you to join us in celebrating, reflecting, and remembering the day that slavery was put to an end.



Jesus, thank you for making a way for your people that were hurt and oppressed by the sin of racism and, more specifically, in Galveston, Texas, hundreds of years ago. It was You that moved in the hearts of others to bring about the end of slavery in that area of our Nation. As we pause and celebrate, we cannot do so without being mindful of Your goodness despite the pain of our shared history.

 We are thankful and yet mindful that our shared history has been hurtful. Tears have fallen and unfortunately continue to do so, with the evil in our fallen world. However, we are reminded that Your faithfulness reaches from generation to generation. We are thankful for the journey, and we are mindful that You are still at work! We are thankful and mindful that you will restore all things, and you will make all things right. Your justice is not like man’s justice; instead, it is perfect, peaceful, restorative, healing, and redemptive.

 As we turn our eyes toward You, we understand that we live in a fallen world. Sin has marred Your perfect plan for all of us; however, thank you for the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus, and the gift of salvation, which transforms all of us from the inside out.  We know it is by Your strong hand that deliverance happened for the enslaved and continues to happen for all who are broken, lost, and hurting.  Collectively we call on your name, Jesus, the name that is above every name! And, we declare Your freedom and healing over our land, in Jesus’s name, amen!

–written by Pastor Barbara Kelley



Our Diversity & Unity Development Team has reviewed these books and believes they are good resources.
Kids’ books each have an age-appropriate reading level included.
We encourage you to pick up one or two and read them over the summer!


June 19, 11am-5pm

Stewart Heights Park
5715 Reginald Gutierrez Ln
Tacoma, WA 98404

150+ Vendors selling goods.
Performances by headlining artists 702 and Crystal Aikin.
R&B artists Swego, Silas D, Will Jordan, DJ Qualify and DJ Don Gee.
Gospel artists Elijah Winston, Rosalynn Jones-Bershell and Alonzo Chadwick.
Event is hosted by comedian Nate Jackson.
Performances by local talent/artists.
2nd Annual Miss Juneteenth Pageant.
Education, financial, job & career resources.
Kid’s Play Zone – bouncy houses, games, arts/crafts.
Free Event.


Take 3 minutes and check out one of these informational videos about Juneteenth:

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