Life Center Sisterhood Women's Ministry
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Sisterhood is Life Center's Women Ministry. We are women from all different backgrounds, ages, and life experiences, with at least one thing in common: we want to know Jesus and make Him known. We look to scripture for our example of Biblical Sisterhood: we believe in gathering together to break bread, worship, and study the Bible together (Acts 2:42-47), we believe in the older generations of women discipling the younger (Titus 2:3-5). We look up to the women that both supported Jesus' ministry (Luke 8:3), and also witnessed Jesus' resurrection, and were some of the first people to share the gospel (Luke 24:10).

Sisterhood Studies meet in the Fall, Winter, and Spring for Bible study and fellowship. Women of all ages and backgrounds are invited to join us as we gather together to cozy up with a cup of coffee, study the word, and grow in sisterhood together.





Hey Ladies, come join us at Sisterhood Summer Bible study called Truthfilled by Ruth Chou Simons. We will be in the Life Center Central Foyer & Chapel for 4 weeks starting on Wednesday, July 3rd from 9:30am to 11:30am.  Your books will be available to purchase that first Wednesday for $25.00. We have some amazing table leaders ready for you so you can pull up a chair,  have a cup of coffee, & dive into the book of Colossians. 

July 3, 10, 17, 24
Foyer & Chapel



If your schedule does not allow you to participate in our Sisterhood Studies this session, click below to let us know you’d be interested in a future session. We will be sure to send you updates every time we offer a new study!

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We are a group for all moms — whether you’ve just gotten your first positive pregnancy test or you’re sending your youngest to college! We meet for brunch, encouragement, and crafts twice monthly!



A “The MomCo” meeting includes practical teaching through speakers about self-care, child development, parenting, or motherhood. On other days, we will make crafts together, host a clothing exchange, or have a catered day of spa treatments, shopping, and a raffle. Most importantly, at The MomCo you'll get to have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood. We take turns bringing brunch items to share at the start of each meeting. First time? Don't worry about bringing anything but yourself - brunch is on us.


Childcare is included in your annual registration and each classroom is staffed with professional childcare workers. Additionally, there may be volunteers assisting them. Everyone involved in The MomCo, from these workers to the leadership team, must pass a background check. You are not required to use childcare, you are free to keep your child with you if you choose, just know that it's there if you need it. We do not provide breakfast for the kids but they receive a small snack mid-meeting. We ask that you bring an alternative snack if your child has food allergies or special dietary needs.


1st & 3rd Thursday of the month
September 19, 2024 - May 15, 2025

Cost: $90
(includes The MomCo International membership, craft supplies, and childcare)
Scholarships are available, email for more information.
Payment may be made in installments.

Questions? Email